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Servant Leadership in Crisis

Over the last few weeks, there has been outrage, disappointment and regret over Senator Walsh's commentary referencing nurses playing cards while on duty. Many nursing leaders and healthcare colleagues have seen the quoted comments, therefore I will not repeat them in this blog.

This event serves as a painful reminder to ensure our communication is realistic, based on thoughtful and reflective introspection, objective data, and serves to manage up others. When communicating in stressful situations it is wise to pause, clearly examine motives and personal biases, and reflect upon how you can add value to the conversation, and if directed personally, how can you contribute in a manner that expands knowledge, innovation or creativity and drives meaningful outcomes.

I am reminded of my brother, and how critical his communications are when working with his Explosive, Ordinance and Disposal Teams in the Army. He consistently demonstrates Servant Leadership in his interactions, communications and decisions that serve to motivate, inspire and engage his troops. I have been a long time fan of his leadership style and admire the respect his team members have for him as a leader. His team members put their lives on the line and trust in leadership that is respectful, well informed and in their best interest.

When lives are at stake, critical communications must be effectively delivered and received. In healthcare, we must ensure our troops have the resources, knowledge, skill and expertise to achieve excellence in quality outcomes. Together and united, we will always achieve more value, passion and purpose for those we serve. This is why we do what we do in make a difference in the lives of others.

Elizabeth Adams DNP, MSN, RN NEA-BC

President and CEO Match Healthcare Design and Innovation


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